RP09 Corporations

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Corporations are people that have formed a giant team designed and aimed at mass producing items, while generating a huge profit.

Why have a Corporation?

Having a Corporation allows you to create certain items on a higher scale, essentially having a factory working for you. It also means that by having a corporation, anything within your building area is saved, and thus allows you to have a dedicated area for you to work within.

Fee's and Setup

  • It costs 230K to set up a corporation. This gives you the license only.
  • Buildings cost various amounts for corporations, however only corporations can purchase them, and thus it gives them a wider choice.
  • There is a tax every hour, which takes a look at your gross income and then taxes you accordingly. Note: Not in yet
  • There is also a building tax. Not in yet
  • If you hire NPC workers, they will be required to work per hour. Not in yet

List of Corporations

To see a list of corporations, see the List of Corporations