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In [BB]'s gamemodes, there are numerous amounts of items you can receive through crates, events, the in-game shop, and other methods. These items can be either used from your inventory or worn as a cosmetic. All of these can technically be obtained in any quality, but the most likely are Standard, Unusual, and Vintage.



Standard items are the lowest and most common quality you can get for an item. These can be found in all crates and have no special effect. Their item color border is a peachy yellow (RGB 255,228,181).


Vintage items are items that have been deprecated, remade, or converted from the old inventory system to the new one. An example is the Nemo hat. A Vintage quality version has a bubbling effect, but the new Standard version does not. This quality can only be obtained through timed events, like the 12th Anniversary's "Vintage [BB] Aura". Otherwise, these items can no longer be acquired. Any item can come in this quality if they become deprecated, recreated, or converted from the old inventory system. They have a light blue item color border (RGB 70,130,180)


Unusual items are items which have a special effect on them when worn as a cosmetic. There are two ways of getting a cosmetic unusual item, which is from unboxing one or unboxing / crafting a Special Effect Jar. This item has an unusual effect assigned to it which can be applied to a head or face item. Any item can technically have the Unusual quality, like a seasonal crate, but since they can't be worn / don't have an effect on them, they will not show up with one. These items have a purple item color border (RGB 138,43,226). Currently, 11 unusual effects exist, which are:

  • Lovely [Cloud 9] (multiple hearts)
  • Party (multicolored sparkles)
  • Bubbly [Bubbling] (bubbles)
  • Sunrise [Morning Glory] (white cloud with yellow sun)
  • Sunset [Death at Dusk] (darker cloud with orange sun)
  • Beaming [Sunbeams] (yellow light rays)
  • Angel, or Halo {yellow ring)
  • Frosty [Frostbite] (white fog with sparkles)
  • Hypno [Time Warp] (orange swirls with purple background)
  • Smoking [Smoking] (smoke)
  • Stormy [Stormy Storm] (dark rain cloud with rain)

One item, known as the American Patriot, is the only known misc item that can have an unusual effect.


Crafted items are self explaining. If you craft an item, you will get an item with a light green border labeled "Crafted (item)" (RGB 152,251,152)


Legendary items can only be acquired if given out by Admins. Only one item exists with this effect, known as the Gracious Winner. This item was given to winners of the first Surf season, and has a special trail on it. This trail glows a golden yellow using Team Fortress 2's Australium texture, and moves around with the player as they move. Their item border color is a bright yellow (RGB 255,215,0)


Currently, no items exist with this quality and the use is unknown. It acts as a placeholder possibly for something in the future. Their item border color placeholder is an orange-red, similar to Staff and Dev.


This quality is obviously reserved for Staff members. They are used as a way to show status and display gratitude for their work. Items are given this quality to represent that they are Admin-accessible only. Items such as the Kameha and Admin aura have it. Their item border color is an orange-red, which Artifact and Dev uses (RGB 255,69,0)


This quality is similar to staff, given to Admins to show status and gratitude. More items contain this quality compared to Staff. Items are given this quality if tagged through the database, or if a dev command is used to generate items into the inventory. They are automatically given this quality when the command is used.


Auras are special items that, when added to the Aura slot in inventory, make the player glow a certain color depending on the Aura's color. Currently, ~12 Auras exist. This includes:

  • Demonic (1.75mil cubes)
  • <3 (1.5mil cubes)
  • Radioactive (1.75mil cubes)
  • Rainbow (50mil cubes)
  • Gold (5mil cubes)
  • Chill (2mil cubes)
  • Purple Groove (1.5mil cubes)
  • Minty Freshness (2mil cubes)
  • Skywards (2.5mil cubes)
  • Strawberry (2mil cubes)
  • Unusual [BB] Aura
  • Vintage [BB] Aura (12th Anniversary crate gift)

Special Items

Special items are items which are rare, one-of-a-kind, event locked, or for another reason.

Cone Armor

This item is usable as an almost full-body cosmetic. Applying this item places is in the head, face, body, arm, and leg slots. It was used as a prototype to test modeling and equipment functions. Players like Queen Zira, Kaiden, and other devs and admins are the only owners of this item.


Kameha is an item which can only be applied to the hands. Its' backpack appearance is similar to an Aura or effect jar, and has a similar function. It shows in-game as 4 particle effects of a yellow dot trail, similar to the Party unusual effect. Like the Cone Armor, the only owners are the admins and devs.

Gracious Winner

As explained before, the Gracious Winner is owned by the winner of the first Surf season competition. It has a glowing golden yellow trail using the Australium effect from Team Fortress 2. Unlike most trails which cut off at certain points, this trail flows and moves with the player.

Vintage Items

Vintage items are given to any item which are deprecated, remade, or switched from the old inventory system to the new one. Items with this quality include:

  • Cone
  • Pan
  • Combine Mask
  • [BB] Aura (12th Anniversary)

There are more items that have this quality, but can't be listed due to the constant changes. Items like the [BB] Aura are given the quality because they're for a specific event.

Clown Shoes

Clown Shoes are a test item which were used to make the foot bone large and played a honk sound whenever someone wearing them took a step. Only some admins and devs own it.

Magic Shield

Magic Shield is an item only obtainable through an achievement. Wearing it makes a large force field around the player. It is purely just for visual effect and has no physical purpose.

Portal Radio

Portal Radio is an item similar in appearance to the radio in the game Portal. The radio plays the song that the game's radio plays normally. Using this item forces everyone in the server to dance. Teddi and Kaiden are the only owners of this item.