How to Surf

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(Currently 5% bonus is Disabled, will return soon)

[New] Surf Update 8.6:Read
New Hard Server maps, streaming UI added.

BBase update 34.7:Read
Multiple item selection added, deletions improved.

BBase update 34.6:Read
General fixes, season 8 title awards, bug fixes etc.

Surf Update 8.5:Read
2 new maps, Hide Players feature, general fixes.

BBase Update 34.4:Read
Achievement fixes, title distributions and misc fixes.

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The objective is to beat the map in as quick as time as possible to earn rewards, boasting rights and seasonal times. There are two types of maps, on Staged maps you progress from one stage to another, increasing in difficulty each time. Linear maps are simply one long stage, if you fall you go back to the start. On Stage maps, you can hold Tab and click a stage name to travel to it, if you've already beaten it.

Our server has extensive store and inventory systems, our own timetrials, seasons, achievements and more. You'll earn crate drops over time which you can open from your inventory, which contain equipable items, as well as purchase items with currency you earn from beating maps. If you're interested in getting more involved with the community please register on our forums. We hope you enjoy our server!

Surfing is a gamemode based on speed, precise movement, and skill. A surfing ramp is a triangle, and in order to surf you must either go down the left or right side of the triangle, /\, using your keyboard and mouse simultaneously. To go forward on a ramp, jump on to it and depending what side you are on you press either A or D. A is for the right side of the triangle, and D is for the left side of the triangle. If you can't remember that use the diagram D /\ A.

Never hold W when surfing a ramp, you will lose speed and struggle. Just A and D are needed alongside the mouse.

To gain speed move your mouse accordingly to go up and down the ramp, the higher you are on the ramp you generally have less speed, and the lower you have more speed (moving from high to low on ramps is what builds speed). When you are transitioning from one ramp to another, you should be on the bottom of the ramp, then when the ramp is ending, move your character higher up on the ramp to gain height. Once you're in the air, you have to use A or D and move your mouse to the right or left. This is called air strafing. You should land high up on the ramp, then move lower on the ramp to build speed.

What separates the experienced surfers from the beginners is how smooth one does all of the above. You need to land on ramps smoothly by not smashing yourself into the next ramp, but gently gliding from ramp to ramp, calculating how much height versus speed, and using the ramps surface area for all of the speed you can get. This gamemode is skill-based and purely trial and error. It takes a lot of practice for beginners, but don't give up, you'll get it in time.

Our /spectate mode has an on-screen keyboard display that shows the inputs being pressed as one surfs, and is a great way to learn the basics by spectating more experienced players.

Bunny Hopping is where you execute a jump as soon as you hit the ground, which prevents you from losing momentum. Certain higher tier maps will have stages that require doing this to beat the stage. Some players find it easier to bind mouse scroll to jump (in console: bind mwheelup +jump). With this, when you scroll you execute a jump, so scrolling rapidly as you hit the floor has a much higher chance of success than just one space bar press.

If auto-hop is enabled, players can just hold space-bar and this will jump for them. BB does not have auto-hop enabled.